Mar 16, 2010

Top 10 Greatest Actors of All Time

  1. James Dean - Died in 1955, depriving the world of his magnificent, and emotionaly charged acting talent. Watch Rebel Without a Cause to understand his gift.
  2. Johnny Depp - His breakthrough performance came with Edward Scissorhands (1990)
  3. John Travolta - Greece (1978) and Saturday Night Fever (1977) put this guy on the map.
  4. Marlon Brando  - Acted for over a half century, passing in 2004, best known as Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire.
  5. Al Pacino - WHOWA! The amazing performance of a blind veteran in Scent of a Woman.
  6. Humphrey Bogart - "Here's lookin at you kid" (if you don't know, then you must live under a rock)
  7. Anthony Hopkins - Silence of the Lambs is likely one of the most watched horror/thriller films ever produced
  8. Robin Williams - Is there anything this guy can't do? I will let you pick your own favourite film.
  9. Heath Ledger - Passing in 2008, just prior to the release of the Dark Night. His brilliant portrayal of the Joker will live in our hearts forever.
  10. Russell Crowe - The Gladiator was only second to this actors Beautiful Mind.

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